At their set yesterday afternoon, Mario Cuomo took his pants off, unplugged the mic and launched it into the crowd, and came back to do cover of The Stooges I Wanna Be Your Dog, after stage hands began tearing down their equiptment because the crowd would not stop calling for an encore. Naturally, I had to get an interview with these guys. The thing is, in the press tent there is an unwritten rule that you cant just grab a band who is walking around the press tent, because they always have an interview that they should be doing. I couldn't let that stop me. I saw them end a photo session and went right for it. Here is the interview that I grabbed.
Here is a link to The Teenage Head, the blog that we talked about. It's a great blog.
The Orwells take the 88Nine Personality Test!
Mario C (Lead Singer), Grant, Dominic, Matt, and Henry
Beatles or Stones-----------------Mario, Grant, Dominic: Beatles --Matt: Stones---Henry:Both
Mad Men or Breaking Bad---------------------Mario: Mad Men Everyone Else: Breaking Bad
Fame or Fortune-------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone: Fortune
Pabst or Budweiser---------- Mario: Pabst Grant & Dominic: Pabst Matt: Rolling Rock Henry: Pabst
Steak or Sushi: Mario---------------------------------------------- Sushi Everyone Else: Steak
Optimist or Pessimist------------ Mario, Grant: Optimist Dominic: Pessimist Matt: Optimist Henry: Pessimist
Andrew Zimmer or Anthony Bourdain------- All: Anthony Bourdain “That man’s a bad ass.”
Lover or Fighter----------------------------------------------------------All of them are Lovers
Buy an album or Burn an album------------ All: Buy Dominic: Depends why you’re burning it
Good or Evil--------------------------------Mario, Grant: Evil Dominic: Good. Star Wars, man.
Velvet Underground or A Tribe Called Quest---- Mario:Velvet Grant: Tribe Dominic:Velvet
Pepsi or Coke-------------------------------- Mario, Grant: Coke Dominic, Matt, Henry: Pepsi
Introvert or Extrovert------------------------ Mario: I don’t know what those words are Grant: Introvert Dominic: Extrovert Matt: Intercourse Henry: Introvert
Heart breaker or Heartbroken----------------Mario: Heartbreaker Grant: (pushed by the band) Heartbroken Dominic: Heartbreaker by Zepplin Matt and Henry: Heartbreaker
Country or City----------------------------------All: City, except Matt who answered Country
Sweet or Salty------------------------------------Mario: Sweet Grant: Salty Dominic: Salty Matt: The perfect combination of sweet and salty
BONUS: video of The Orwells' Mallrats (La La La)