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The most rockin' band at Lolla talks to 88Nine: An interview with The Orwells

At their set yesterday afternoon, Mario Cuomo took his pants off, unplugged the mic and launched it into the crowd, and came back to do  cover of The Stooges I Wanna Be Your Dog, after stage hands began tearing down their equiptment because the crowd would not stop calling for an encore. Naturally, I had to get an interview with these guys. The thing is, in the press tent there is an unwritten rule that you cant just grab a band who is walking around the press tent, because they always have an interview that they should be doing. I couldn't let that stop me. I saw them end a photo session and went right for it. Here is the interview that I grabbed. 



Here is a link to The Teenage Head, the blog that we talked about. It's a great blog. 

The Orwells take the 88Nine Personality Test!

Mario C (Lead Singer), Grant, Dominic, Matt, and Henry

 Beatles or Stones-----------------Mario, Grant, Dominic: Beatles --Matt: Stones---Henry:Both

Mad Men or Breaking Bad---------------------Mario: Mad Men Everyone Else: Breaking Bad

Fame or Fortune-------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone: Fortune

Pabst or Budweiser---------- Mario: Pabst Grant & Dominic: Pabst Matt: Rolling Rock Henry: Pabst

Steak or Sushi: Mario---------------------------------------------- Sushi Everyone Else: Steak

Optimist or Pessimist------------ Mario, Grant: Optimist Dominic: Pessimist Matt: Optimist Henry: Pessimist

Andrew Zimmer or Anthony Bourdain------- All: Anthony Bourdain  “That man’s a bad ass.”

Lover or Fighter----------------------------------------------------------All of them are Lovers

Buy an album or Burn an album------------ All: Buy Dominic: Depends why you’re burning it

Good or Evil--------------------------------Mario, Grant: Evil Dominic: Good. Star Wars, man.

Velvet Underground or A Tribe Called Quest---- Mario:Velvet Grant: Tribe Dominic:Velvet

Pepsi or Coke-------------------------------- Mario, Grant: Coke Dominic, Matt, Henry: Pepsi

Introvert or Extrovert------------------------ Mario: I don’t know what those words are Grant: Introvert Dominic: Extrovert Matt: Intercourse Henry: Introvert

Heart breaker or Heartbroken----------------Mario: Heartbreaker Grant: (pushed by the band) Heartbroken Dominic: Heartbreaker by Zepplin Matt and Henry: Heartbreaker

Country or City----------------------------------All: City, except Matt who answered Country

Sweet or Salty------------------------------------Mario: Sweet Grant: Salty Dominic: Salty Matt: The perfect combination of sweet and salty

BONUS: video of The Orwells' Mallrats (La La La)



Director of Digital | Radio Milwaukee