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414 Music: Misha Siegfried and His Band

414 Music welcomed Misha Siegfried and his band. It was all about the instruments with a performance containing no lyrics. I mean, with the guitar skills Misha has (Let’s not forget his Tardis aka custom made pedal container) and a band that has a saxophone player you really don’t need words. Misha, along with his bandmates; Ross Catterton, Anna Brinck, Zach Steiner, and Brandon Anthony gave us the feeling of the modern blues, while we had the chance sip on some Stone Creek Coffee, and avoid the rain.

Misha and his band’s new album, “New Sounds” is out now after a long delay due to life events. But isn’t that what life is about? The best things sometime take the most time. It’s also the way song titles like, “Pretentious B!$%@” come to form.

So it's not every day a jazz band comes to rock 414 Music but when they do they make a memorable presence.

You can catch Misha Siegfried and his band at Club Garbaldi May 10th. Or go “Like” them on Facebook to follow up on their shows because let’s be real your second tab is probably already opened to Facebook.

Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee