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Find ‘Freedom’ in Folamour’s pressure-packed dance track

Every Monday, Add of the Week unveils all the new songs going into the 88Nine on-air playlist, with one hand-picked selection put in the spotlight by a member of our music team.

I am not a fan of house music. Or electronica. Or surreal, avant-garde visuals (although I found Mummenschanz onThe Muppet Show strangely captivating as a kid). Luckily, you don’t have to like all of a thing to really like one of that thing — an experience I had last week, when I heard Folamour’s “Freedom” for the first time.

French DJ/producer Bruno Boumendil released the single earlier this year, and it found its way into our Monday Music Meeting, where it seriously connected with a room full of disparate music tastes. For me, it spurred two very different states of mind: groovy and anxious. The track’s overall sound belongs in a discotheque or roller rink, while the lyrics scream stress despite their flat, dispassionate delivery.

I got to do better, I got to go work
I got to get money, i got to go twerk
I got to go smile, I got to go sad
I got to hide tears, I got to get down
I got to play shows, I got to stay close
I got to take time to cure my own soul
I got to drive slow, I got to move fast
I got to stop flying, but I got to come back

And it goes on like that for 206 unrelenting seconds — a person rattling off responsibilities and relaying the pressure they feel from all sides while a funky bass line rolls along.

It’s a weird edge to ride but ends up being kind of fun, especially when consumed in video form (that’s where the surreal, avant-garde visuals come in). Enjoy the bizarreness above, and keep your ears open for the track wherever you listen to 88Nine.

This week’s other adds

  • "Superglue," Michigander 
  • "Love Will Get You There," Inhaler 
  • "Inside Outside," This Is the Kit
  • "Watching the Credits," The Beths
  • "Words With You," Chromeo 
  • "Nurse!" bar italia
  • "Prizefighter," Youth Lagoon
  • "We the Female!" CHAI