Just before it was erased from the Milwaukee landscape due to its deteriorating condition, OnMilwaukee's Bobby Tanzilo got inside the former Accurate Key and Lock building in downtown Milwaukee to achieve its family history.
The 1885 building was situated between 3rd and 4th streets on State Street, right across from the former Journal Sentinel building. In its 130+ year history, it was home to a slew of family businesses, including an instrument manufacturer, a tailor, a candy store and publishing company.
But its longest running tenant was Accurate Key and Lock, a locally owned locksmith, which moved into the building in 1951 and operated continuously until 2013, according to state records found by Tanzilo.
Listen to this week's podcast below as we learn about Accurate's star employee turned owner -- Larry the Locksmith -- who was said to be able to pick any lock and fashion a key in a matter of moments. And even more surprising: he was totally self-taught.
Be sure to visit OnMilwaukee.com to read the complete story and find more pictures.