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Volcano Choir Announces New Album, Coming To Milwaukee In September

Since the last Bon Iver album, Justin Vernon has been pretty busy with his other projects including the blues-rock group The Shouting Matches.  Today, he announced the follow up to Volcano Choir's 2009 album Unmap.  Volcano Choir is the collaboration between Justin Vernon and Milwaukee's Collections of Colonies of Bees. The new album, Repave, will be released on September 3, 2013. I hear the album is completely different from their debut release. You can watch a short album trailer featuring some of the new music below.

Here is a tracklisting:

01 Tiderays
02 Acetate
03 Comrade
04 Byegone
05 Alaskans
06 Dancepack
07 Keel
08 Almanac

Volcano Choir will be making a stop in Milwaukee on their North American tour on September 28 at The Pabst Theater.


Director of HYFIN & Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee