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Weekly Download | FREEMAN, "The English and Western Stallion"

This week's free download comes from Aaron Freeman. Freeman is better known as Gene Ween from the band Ween.  Freeman has a new project called FREEMAN, and it is his first album of original material since disbanding Ween. 

In the opening minutes of FREEMAN, the self-titled debut from his new band, Freeman addresses addiction and its aftermath with the combination of merciless self-inventory and artful songcraft that earned Ween one of the most devoted fan bases in contemporary pop.

You have a week to grab FREEMAN's track "The English and Western Stallion" from the new self-titled album, which will be released on July 22 via Partisan Records. You can also catch FREEMAN perform at Milwaukee's Turner Hall Ballroom on September 25.  You can also stream the entire album over at Spin.

Download FREEMAN's "The English and Western Stallion"(right click and save as)

Director of Digital | Radio Milwaukee