Erin Wolf
88Nine Music Director / On-Air TalentHometown:
West Bend, Wisc. (Milwaukeean since the late ’90s)
First concert:
CHICAGO with my parents at Summerfest in the early ’90s.
Favorite place to take a visitor in Milwaukee:
Any spot along Lake Michigan — trails, parks, etc.
How/why you got into radio:
I majored in print journalism but was definitely obsessed with radio since a young age. After graduation, I began volunteering as a DJ at 91.7 FM WMSE and haven’t left the industry, since. My favorite thing about community radio is how supportive it is of the local scene. Hit me up if you’re a local musician with a new song, EP, album, etc.
Comfort drink:
Cold months = hot cider. Warm months = sport tea.
The Milwaukee duo's newer music has a lighter feel yet still squares off with the maddening aspects of class warfare.
Lili Trifilio and company make the sad sound sweet, and they'll bring that delicate balance to the historic venue this Friday.
Dan Bejar's project has an album coming at the end of March and is getting us hyped with this strange and spacey track.
The band's Fred Kenyon joins us to talk about the poetry and imposter syndrome that inspired "I Eat My Enemies."
The deep-voiced indie-folk rocker brings his electric-leaning new album and thoughtful approach to Milwaukee this Friday.
The Geese frontman steps into his solo shoes to deliver this thoughtful, beautiful single from his album, "Heavy Metal."
Alberto Kanost joins us to talk about his project that relies on little more than deft guitarwork and emotion-driven lyrics.
While the band frequently tests the limits of their amps, more intimate songs like "No One Else" show an introspective side.
Inspired by living on a foundation of garbage (seriously), the new single from The Walkmen's frontman signals a bigger project to come.
The Milwaukee band's Jake Brandt tells us how they take on difficult situations with a slightly sunny outlook and even sunnier sound.