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Viva MKE Marketplace will celebrate local food, music, art

 Two women in white dresses stand on either side of an art installation with the letters "M-K-E."
WHSF / Mexican Fiesta

Festival season just started in Milwaukee, which means we have a wait ahead of us when it comes to Mexican Fiesta (Aug. 25-27). Fortunately, the festival’s organizers along with the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation have an event coming up much sooner that’ll have a Fiesta feel in a slightly smaller package.

The Viva MKE Marketplace — the second event under the broader “Viva Milwaukee” banner — will take place from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, June 10, in the Flores Hall parking lot at 2997 S. 20th St.

In a release, organizers said they created the event as a “lively and culturally enriching celebration of Latino small businesses.” The marketplace will cut across quite a few areas on that front — artist-designed jewelry and ceramics, live performances from local musicians, and plenty of food-and-beverage options, including:

Currently, there are more than 30 different vendors lined up for the event, giving attendees ample opportunity to — as organizers stated in the release — support “the dreams and aspirations of our Latino entrepreneurs. By attending the Viva MKE Marketplace, you'll be making a direct difference in their lives and contributing to the vibrant tapestry of our community.”

For more information about the Viva MKE Marketplace, visit the event website.